Monday, May 21, 2012

Promotion of the marketing

Promotion is defined as the Message link flanked by sellers and buyers used for the point of influencing, informing, or persuading a ability buyer's purchasing decision. We partake of identified certain of the promotional activities to facilitate we think , are proper in outreaching the freely available used for publicity.

o    Radio advertising
Radio is one of the most effective medium for advertisement nowadays . It is aired most of the time and the audience are tuned in to radio stations mostly for entertainment and information of the current happenings in their surroundings . Radios are listened in cars mostly by young adults and adults when they are on the move , teenagers when they are both occupying cars as passengers or at their own place . It is a direct channel of informing the existence of our resource center and the services that we offer plus the facilities that we posses.

o    Newspaper advertisement
Newspapers has been around ever before since the presence of radio , television and internet has surfaced , and it is also proven to have and still have the power of reaching the public directly. The existence and opening of our resource center on the newspaper can give a significant impact to their awareness of our establishment , as newspapers are not stereotypically read by only adult nowadays , but also by young teens and young adults.

o    Website
Both radio and television advertisement does give significant impact to inform the public on the existence of our resource center . But if the public wants to resort to an information portal to know more about our resource center , what is much better than having our very own website? The internet is a must have major super information highway where people can get informations at the click of their finger. Links to our website will be mentioned in both advertisement mediums so that they can visit and get to know us better.

o    Social networking sites
Social networking sites was never so popular up to the new millennium , as a supplementary channels where peoples can interact and share interesting things with each other , even when they are not together physically. The power of direct interactions was never this good . The rise of social networking sites such as twitter and facebook opens up a whole new area of opportunities to both people and businesses. We would set up a corporate profile on both facebook and twitter , as a live broadcast of current happening in our resource center other than updating our websites. It can also be used as a medium where user can give their feedbacks and suggestions to what areas we can improve in the futures to come.


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