Project Identification is a collection, compilation and analysis of data to locate potential oppurtunities for starting business and development of such oppurtunities. The demand for new or replacement systems exceeds the ability and resources of most organizations to conduct systems development projects either by themselves or with consultants. The organizations must set priorities and a direction for systems development that will yield develoment projects with the greatest net benefits.
Potential project evaluated and selected using a broad range of criteria such as value chain analysis, alignment with business strategy, potential benefits, resources availability and requirements and risks. Corporate strtegic planning is using to identify the mission, objectives and strategies of the organization. Information System Plannig evaluates the current inventory of systems and desired future state of the organization and its system and determines which project are needed to tramsform systems to meet the future needed of the organization.
Improved project identification and selection is needed the cost of information systems is rising rapidly, system cannot handle applications that cross organizational boundaries, sysyem often do not address critical organizational objectives, data redundancy is often out of control and system maintenance costs continue rise up.
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