Thursday, February 23, 2012

The economic analysis

The economic analysis is to identify the financial benefits and cost associated with the development of project. It is often refered to as cost-benefit analysis. An adequate time is needed in identifying and quantifying these items.The tangible and intangible cost and benefits of the system development must be recorded.

Tangible benefits
It is refering to the items that can be measured in dollars with certainty. The project manager and project team has identified several tangible benefits

Intangible benefits
Intangible benefits refer to items tha cannot be easily measured in dollars or with certainty. The team also has coume out with few intangible benefits.

Improved processing efficiency
  • This system will help to improved the efficiency of the processing of application by using the system. The new system can be processed and save automatically. Users can apply all the available training and the process will be timely and accurate.
Learning, understanding and awareness
  • Previously, the manual system have been used. With the existance of new applciation system, it can create the learning and understanding of the users in using the technology availability in th eorganization. This will also build up the awareness among the users of the importance of system in organization nowadays.
Increased employee knowledge
  • This ITMS system can easily been used by the staff or employee to apply for a training which this will automatically increased the knowledge of the employees after attending th etraining, whereby previously they a bit bored to fill up the form and submit the form for a manager approval. Thsi system will enable the users to apply and only wait for the notification results.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Integrated Training Management System (ITMS)

The Integrated Training Management System (ITMS) is a complete, secure, on demand, easy to use, web-base platform delivering rich, powerful in an enhanced multimedia environment using web 2.0 technologies like PHP applications. The Integrated Training Management System (ITMS)  is the first system designed to allow company training manager or supervisor of the Western Digital (M)  to quickly and painlessly manage all of their     online training application needs in one secure, easy to use web platform. This systemcan easily deploy and track training course and utilize the inbuilt course.

The ITMS main function is to make the training application online and keep track and stored all the history of the employees or staff training attended. Staff also would be able to request a new training course which are not listed in the system by requesting a new training using the ITMS system. The system will be divided into several task and functions.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Baseline Project Plan (BPP)

The Baseline Project Plan (BPP) contains all information collected and analyzed during project initiation and planning. The plan reflects the best estimate of the project’s scope, benefits, costs, risks, and resource requirement given the current understanding of the project The BPP is used by the project selection committee to help decide whether the project should be accepted, redirected, or cancelled. The purpose of project plan development is to create a useable, flexible, consistent, and logical document that will guide the work or activities of the project. In addition, the project plan provides a control mechanism for coordinating changes across the entire project. The purpose of the introduction is to provide a brief overview of the entire document and outline a recommended course of action for the Intergrated Training Management System project.