4. Telecommunication, Networks and the Internet
Telecommunication is essential to enable transactional activities being made in remotely using an ATM machine . Without telecommunication , ATM machine would simply be a slab of iron machinery with money inside of it. Internet telecommunications is used to connect ATM machines through network infrastructure and into the networks of a banking institutions , their database . ATM access the data stored in bank’s database that is later needed to be used in order for the completion of the transaction. However , connection of these machines and database is unlike those used in regular homes , it has far superior security encryption to ensure that the data cannot simply be rendered by other unwanted parties.
5. People
People is the one important element of Information component , an element that creates , manages , use and maintain that information system itself. People are those who creates the networking infrastructure of this Shared Interbank Network , enabling it to interconnect between different banking system from different banks nationwide . It is also people who maintains these networking infrastructure to keep them in working order, and it is also people who uses this network to have their transaction processed at the ATM machines.
6. Procedures
Procedures are set of actions that needs to be followed in order for a transaction to reach its end starting from its initial starting point. Each transaction made using ATM machines and network infrastructure of a banking system requires a key which is the ATM card itself with a pin number. Starting from there, various transaction can be made , such as withdrawal , transfer , prepaid reload , all of these transaction has its own procedure involving input of different data for different transaction. These transaction has its own procedures that is need to be completed in order for that transaction to be successful.